Multimedia, e-coursebooks, application ‘Parcours digital’ – tools for teaching French

Multimedia, e-coursebooks, application ‘Parcours digital’ – tools for teaching French On May 25, 2018 teachers of French participated in workshops titled ‘Multimédias, manuels numériques et plateforme « Parcours digital » – de vrais outils de travail en classe de FLE pour renforcer l’intégration des disciplines non lingustiques’.

The aim of the workshops was to learn innovative teaching methods that make use of new technologies like an interactive board.

During the training the ‘Parcours digital’ educational platform  was presented. The platform allows students to work individually with an interactive task-based approach. Teacher can create their own virtual classes, follow their students’ progress, support and help them.

There were also presented teaching resources that promote integration of different content-based subjects in a French lesson.

Multimedia, e-coursebooks, application ‘Parcours digital’ – tools for teaching French Multimedia, e-coursebooks, application ‘Parcours digital’ – tools for teaching French Multimedia, e-coursebooks, application ‘Parcours digital’ – tools for teaching French