Completion of the II edition of the qualification course on teaching English to very young learners addressed to teachers of pre-school and early-school education

May 2017 completed the classes within the qualification course whose participants, teachers of pre-school and early-school education with at least 2-year working practice, obtained methodological qualifications to teach English to pupils of pre-schools and the I educational stage.

To participate in the course, candidates were to pass a placement test at intermediate level. To complete the course and get a certificate, as in the previous edition, the participants had to obtain credits for all lectures and practical classes, pass an oral exam in methodology of English language teaching and a written English language exam. They were also obliged to complete a relevant apprenticeship.

It was already the second edition of the course.

We would like to congratulate the course graduates on their diligent work and perseverance in developing their professional qualifications.

Marta Lipska
A teacher consultant of RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa