‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’ conference coverage

‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’ conference coverage

On April 26, 2016 RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa hosted a conference called ‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’. The event addressed mostly pre-school teachers and parents.

The conference featured the following topics:

  • ‘Changes in pre-school education – the amendment to the Act on the System of Education’ presented by Ms Jadwiga Mielczarek, a teacher consultant of RODN ‘WOM’
  • ‘On philosophy and history of drama as an educational method’ presented by Dr Maria Królica of Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa
  • ‘Imagination as a source of inspiration and artistic activity’ presented by Ms Sylwia Kurcab, a teacher consultant of RODN ‘WOM’
  • ‘Kamishibai theatre – an interesting way to develop young learners’ reading competences’ presented by Anna Hiller, a library teacher of the Public Pedagogical Library of RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa

‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’ conference coverage ‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’ conference coverage ‘The role of pre-school education in the process of fostering child development’ conference coverage