Become a WEB Teacher now!


We would like to invite all teachers of Silesia Province to take part in a free development course in the project entitled ‘WEB Teacher – trainings in the use of new technologies in education.’

The ‘WEB Teacher’ project is a continuation of the actions undertaken as part of the project carried out in 2011-2012 entitled ‘Electronic development and IT education of teachers eDeN,’ a very popular project among teachers (over 500 teachers have been trained).

New technologies, developing dynamically, appear in almost each area of the contemporary world. More and more boldly they enter the sphere of education. Thanks to new technologies, teachers can make their lessons more attractive in order to increase students’ motivation and to attract their attention more easily.

It would appear that today’s school youths know everything about new technologies. Does it mean that in this area they do not need teachers at all? Nothing could be further from the truth. It is just a false impression or even a dangerous myth.