‘Student council as a way to raise children with values’ conference

On May 14, 2018 RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa hosted a conference titled ‘Student council as a way to raise children with values’. The participants of the conference were teachers that guide student councils and students of primary and junior-high schools of the following districts: częstochowski, kłobucki, lubliniecki and myszkowski.

The aim of the conference was to create a space for presenting good practice in the field of effective shaping of values and students’ attitudes through working for a student council.

This year’s conference focused on the presentations of student council activities done with the use of the project method. The following projects were presented: ‘Our way’, ‘The prettiest muffin’, ‘School community under construction’, ‘We have initiative, we have passion’.

The results of the presented projects were received enthusiastically by the audience, being a source of inspiration and incentive to work.