PTE General English exam at RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa – June 2017

In June 2017 the accredited PTE examination centre of RODN ‘WOM’ in Częstochowa is organising a  PTE General exam (level B2), which gives a language certificate recognised by the Ministry of Education to teach English by teachers of pre-school and early-school education. It also confirms language qualifications necessary on today’s challenging job market and it is honoured by companies and organisations all over the world.

The oral exam is held on June 12 at 3.00 p.m., the written part on June 17 at 9.00 a.m.

PTE General exams are recognized in 45 countries. In Poland they are accepted by:

    • the Ministry of National Education as the certification of foreign language skills required to teach young learners
    • the Ministry of Science and University Education to exempt from the Ph.D. examination in the field of foreign languages
    • prestigious universities in Poland and abroad
  • the Civil Service Office as the certification of foreign language skills.